hey, friend! I'm melissa stewart. 

a fitness coach and possibility junkie on a mission to empower busy mid-life women to feel amazing, confident and full of joy during this mid-life season.

I work with busy mid-life women from around the globe who want to lose stubborn belly fat, build strong muscle and stress less as their bodies change.  

are you in?

learn about my fat loss and fitness  coaching program

Giving up the ALL or NOTHING mindset in  my health journey shifted everything for me.

Perfectionism runs deep in me.  I used to avoid action because I didn't want to fail. And when it came to my mid-life health journey there was lots of room for failure.  I had so many questions as my body started to change. Organic? Keto? Weight-lifting? Cardio? Intermittent Fasting? I was a chronic-quitter when things got overwhelming.  And I wanted to do things right.  I have a feeling you get me...

I knew there had to be another way. 

One day I had a moment of truth in the mirror: What if I just started small? 
This was the one shift I needed to completely transform my health journey. I went from being stressed about what to eat and how to exercise to picking ONE healthy habit to implement each week.
Here's the secret sauce: When you start small - it's like a snowball effect.
My hormonal belly fat started to dissappear, I noticed muscle definition in my arms, legs and abs and I felt amazing energy all day long. 

a note from yours truly

 This awareness was life-changing

if i could start small and see huge progress towards my health goals - then i needed to teach other women how to do the same.

The FASTer Way Program is the most effective online program that will empower you to transform your life through simple, effective, cutting-edge fitness and nutrition strategies. We use carb cycling, intermittent fasting, macro balancing, effective workouts, coach & group support to help you thrive on your health journey.

As a busy mid-life woman I want to CELEBRATE possibility with YOU, because I know what it's like to feel fatigued and unhappy in my own skin.  It doesn't have to be this way - let me teach you the same strategies I've used for myself and other women to feel amazing and confident in yourself again.

it's time to get fit in mid-life!!

- Melissa

you should stick around if: 

You’re a busy mid-life woman who wants a structure to help you reach your health goals.

You're ready to get fit and feel amazing in this mid-life season.

Your clothes fit tighter and your energy levels dropped after turning 35.

 You work best with a set of systems to help you build healthy habits.

It's not too late & you're not behind.

As a certified fitness and life coach and Yoga instructor, my ultimate passion is empowering mid-life women to feel like super woman in this mid-life season.  We consistently take simple steps of action to achieve great results in our life.

You're exactly where you need to be to finally say YES to your own healthy transformation. 
Mid-life is the best. You're wiser. More committed.  And ready to ROCK that confidence again!

What do you have to lose?  Sign up for my 6 week Fitness program today and start feeling that amazing energy in as little as a few days.  I'll see you in the program!

My work is guided by a simple mantra: Small steps equal great results.

what you can expect while you're here:


Effective 30 min at-home workouts every day. 


Weekly meal plans using whole food nutrition.


An encouraging and action oriented coaching experience, personalized to your goals.


Resources to nudge you forward on this path to transformed health in mid-life season.

Some fun facts about me!

Choose which one you relate to.

Did we just become friends!?


The Wellness from
Within Podcast

On my weekly podcast, I talk about how to overcome the all-too-common problem: Overthinking ourselves into stuckness. With a bit of encouragement and lots of real talk, we can discover how to connect with our SOUL goal again. We can find courage to take MASSIVE action toward our goals and live a purposeful and fulfilling life.

Based in Colorado. Supporting women everywhere.