Are there days when you feel stuck. Maybe like a hamster in a wheel. Just spinning and spinning but going absolutely nowhere. Every thought that enters your mind on how to get out of this motion is quickly turned away through some senseless attempt at rational thinking. It’s a toxic cycle and here’s the sad part; most of us know this and stay here anyways.
Let’s walk through a few steps together that will help us move forward and out of the season of stuckness.
If you are a chronic over-thinker this is a big one for you. Thinking so far into something that your thoughts actually paralyze you into doing nothing. And we know this is the problem we are trying to solve. We try to figure out the ending before the beginning. Trying to put all of the pieces together before the pieces are even available to us. The goal is to be methodical in our thinking, but really just think about the VERY next step. That’s it. Just the next step.
Over-thinking always leads to over-reacting. We analyze our situation so deeply that we send ourselves straight into panic mode by over-reacting. We create scenarios that simply are not true and unfortunately they keep us stuck. The goal is to think and react to the next step ONLY.
When we face these seasons of stuckness. Praying is the perfect antidote to the fear that rises to keep us stuck. Going to God with your situation in humbleness and seeking His counsel is vital to getting out of this cycle. We over-think, we over-react, but God is the chief Shepherd. His wise voice will gently nudge us and give us the courage to make that next step.
We over-think about it. We over-react about it. We seek Godly counsel, but we continue to doubt. This is not God’s plan for us. We must trust Him and we must learn to trust ourselves. We can paralyze ourselves by not trusting. When we don’t trust God we set our own ego above His sovereignty and this will always keep us stuck. Release fear and doubt by trusting His voice. Trust that he will give you the strength and resources to take that step out of this stuck state.
If you never start. If you never take even one next step. You will never experience the confidence that stepping out is possible. You will live a very small life – a life of stuck. So, I ask us all today. Are we ready to be un-stuck? We’ve stopped over-thinking. We’ve stopped over-reacting. We’ve prayed. We’re trusting in God’s counsel. Now let’s start moving forward.
One step at a time.