To say that I love the Word of God is an understatement. I crave the Word of God. I’m infatuated somewhat with reading, meditating and studying His word.
Unfortunately, I’ve not always held this position.
Growing up in a religious environment, God’s word was readily available to me at any time day or night. There were no less than 5 Bibles in our home at any given time. The Christian school I attended encouraged Bible reading and even required memorization of scripture in order to pass given subjects. Sunday sermons and Wednesday night Bible Studies were the norm in my weekly routine. Opening my Bible to follow along with the minister while reading his sermon text was second nature. Quote the books of the Bible? No problemo. The Bible was a familiar book in my hands. Story after story rang true to me from childhood. Good ole’ Noah and the Ark, Daniel and the hungry lions, Jonah and the Big Fish and Christmas nativity scenes were easy peasy, but the God of the Bible, He was the main character that I really never connected with. My view of God was formed from childhood by sermons and studies, by Sunday school teachers and ministers and by older folks who were just more mature in their “spiritual walk” than me. My belief in God was real, but that Heavenly Father thing…I wasn’t really feeling it.
I was never taught how to study God’s Word. I was never given a tool or a guideline on how to digest the words of the All-powerful God. Not that it would have mattered to me during those times.
A dear friend once told me that she prayed earnestly for a desire to love God’s Word. She too struggled with really grasping the underlying message of this beautiful book of life. She told me how she prayed for this until she began to feel a breakthrough. God did answer her prayer and she encouraged me to pray this prayer also.
I did. I asked God earnestly to give me a hunger for His word. I sincerely sought Him for weeks with this request. Some days I would open my Bible and just stare at the same verse for minutes. One day something broke. The most refreshing drink of water, I’ve ever tasted came flowing over me. Gushing really. Almost taking my breath away. I was in the Book of John and I could not stop. His words came alive to me that day. I could hear him speaking. His words were crystal clear to me and I could not get enough of what He was saying.
Many years have passed since that day. My desire for God’s word has grown. It’s a process though. Just as any relationship goes. There are days of pure exuberance and there are days of complete palm to face failures.
If you are in this place. Chin up. God wants to reveal himself to each of us. He does not will for His word to be confusing, complicated or boring. It is our own mind that gets in the way of God’s will. It is our fleshly desires and our selfish motives that stop us from knowing more about God.
Below are a few tips on Learning how to Love God’s Word more. Take it slow. It’s a process. Allow God’s Spirit to work through you. His message will be revealed to you as you are able to digest what He is saying. Remember, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness shall be fed.
Sincerely seek God. Ask him earnestly to instill in you a Love for His word. Pray this prayer daily.
You must MAKE time. You will never find time. It’s up to you to create a space and time each and every day to read, study and meditate on God’s Word. Make this a special place for you and God to meet daily.
There are multiple translations of the Bible readily available to us. Find a translation that offers a study commentary built in with room to make notes.
As with anything – you just start. Find a familiar passage and begin there. A favorite verse. A Psalm or a Proverb. Just open your Bible and read. Allow God to guide and direct you through what He is saying to you.
“Loving Father, I pray for each person reading this excerpt. I pray for your Word to become alive to them just as it has to me. Plant a seed of love in their heart for your word and allow it to grow. Speak to them through your word and let it be a refreshing drink of water to their parched lives. Reveal yourself to us through your Spirit by your scriptures. Thank you for loving us so very much. Your words are life. Amen.”