Like most things with me. I’m a little analytical. Just a tad. One thing I’ve over analyzed and tested in studies (by myself) is this:
I’ve not always held this opinion. I’ve not always known what the word Gratitude meant. As age would have it though…these days have me looking intently at those things – material and non-material – that really make this beautiful journey of Life – enough. There are many days that I question this theory. Wouldn’t my life be so much better if I just had this…or if that would happen. The answer is always a resounding – not really. When is Enough – Enough?
If there is anything in this short lived life that I’ve learned…
Because truth be told. Enough is never Enough. There are always more places to see, money to be made, weight to lose, miles to run and cake to eat. Something is wired in us to push for more…more…more. It may be a form of greed, it may be a competitive drive, it may be the pressure of society. The beauty of this principle is held in the reality that just as soon as I stop to realize that all around me IS Enough it’s then that my world begins to increase and Life starts responding to my gratefulness!
At the end of the day though – when I stop and reflect…
It took me many years to get here. I can’t even know the “moment” it happened, but through the opening and closing of the doors of life it’s a beautiful lesson to learn.