Thank you Mr. Henry Ford. We all know what he thought he could do – and boy oh boy did he do it.
So what are you believing lately?
How many times have you spoken into existence your reality? I do it all day long. No, I’m not talking about manifesting a cup of espresso in front of me at the snap of a finger. But I am talking about thinking that cup of coffee straight into my hand by getting myself up, walking to the espresso machine and brewing a steamy americano. Tell me I can’t do it.
So here’s the deal. You and I both act on what we believe. It’s a fact. (I won’t bore us with the scientific theory of the law of attraction or even mention that scripture lends itself for us to think positively through the power of the Holy Spirit) You get the point. We become what we behold. Our actions are proof of what we believe to be true.
And if our actions are the result of our belief – this can only tell me that the belief comes before the action and therefore is the root of all that we do.
Are you still with me?
Let me remind you that your mind is a powerful machine. Created by God Himself. How we use this machine is everything! The thoughts we think, the data we receive, the information we believe it’s completely and utterly super-duper important. I dare say imperative to living a fulfilled purpose-driven life.
If you are feeling stuck in your career – check what you’re reading and listening to.
If you are feeling overwhelmed with a project – check your thoughts around the task itself.
If you are feeling sluggish in your body – check what you’re believing about who you really are.
If you are feeling lost in your purpose in life – check what lies you are believing about exactly where God has placed you.
This phrase was coined by psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Siegel. Here is the basic how-to: When the negative thought pattern arises – simply name it. Label it out loud and move on. For example, if you struggle with doubting your ability to move your body in exercise you might say this to yourself: “I always commit to exercising and end up not following through – I’ll never get on track” Just stop, recognize the thought pattern by naming it out loud “There is the story about never sticking to the exercise regimen again” then pay it no more attention. Don’t allow the thought to have any space in your mind. Name it and let it go.
Thoughts begin in our minds. They do not originate in the physical world, but only manifest there. So the next time the negative or doubtful thought arises in your mind – come to your senses. Here’s what I mean – use your physical senses to bring you out of your head and into your body. Recognize the thought then step outside to see something, walk until you smell something, try to listen or hear something, pick up a rock or a leaf in nature and feel it, and perhaps you even taste something. By going to your physical senses immediately you take the power away from the negative thought pattern and the internal noise that is taunting you. It’s impossible to deeply emerge in your physical senses while listening to your mind chatter at the same time.
2 Corinthians 10:5 “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” The next time your mind starts to feed you lies or bring up the many reasons why you can not, should not or will not – just pull out your Sword and start swinging. Demolish the thought with the Word of God. It stands no chance against the power of God’s Word. If God put you on this path to healing, ministering, leading, dreaming, parenting, writing or any other thing – You better believe the truth of His word, friend.
So remember, whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you’re right.
Now get up – put that belief to action to do the thing God has called you to. Start shining bright for Him. He’s given us a great tool in our mind – Let’s use it all to bring glory to His story.
With lots of love and expectation,